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South Beach’s Major Makeover

If the mayor of Miami Beach has his way, the South Beach area is poised for a potential makeover. Among the plans, the mayor wishes to transform the district into an “Art Deco Cultural District” where the sale of alcohol will cease at midnight in the majority of places to hopefully spur the reduction of crime and debauchery.

The mayor states that South Beach has turned into a “victim of its success” and has evolved into something of a Bourbon Street by the beach. For those unaware, Bourbon Street is the historic thoroughfare located in New Orleans’ French Quarter well-known for its several bars. While the mayor’s plan will cut off midnight alcohol sales, some businesses can apply for conditional approval to extend the time provided they meet other conditions. Currently, the city has an 8 pm curfew in place in certain areas.

As part of this South Beach renaissance of sorts, standalone bars and drinking establishments will not be permitted in the Art Deco Cultural District unless they are part of a hotel. Rooftops will be relegated to restaurants regarding their commercial use. Interestingly, there are also plans to permanently pedestrianize popular Ocean Drive.

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Blackstone International Realty, LLC provides buyers, sellers, and renters with the access to exceptional properties – both on and off the market – in the Miami Beach luxury real estate market, and throughout South Florida. Each agent is thoroughly trained to provide clients with exceptional service, competency, and professionalism. For more information on the company or Continuum in South Beach call 305-588-2451.