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It’s Full Festivities Ahead for Miami Beach

Despite the coronavirus fears and the recent cancellation of the popular Ultra Music Festival event in Miami, Miami Beach wants to make it known that it’s business as usual. The city is still welcoming those that want to experience the season in the barrier island and city officials are even looking into the possibility of throwing public parties as a way to make up for Ultra being nixed.

Despite Ultra’s cancellation, Miami Beach is planning to continue with events like the Winter Party Festival, an LGBTQ music festival with a tradition dating all the way back to 1994. Also moving forward is the popular Winter Music Conference arriving later this month. The event will celebrate its 35th year in 2020.

The city is still well aware of the coronavirus and it hasn’t forgotten about it. A hygiene campaign has been launched encouraging, reminding, and instructing visitors on the importance of hand washing, particularly after they’ve come into contact with other individuals. The mayor of the city is also encouraging “Winter Party Festival hugs” which, unlike traditional hugs, involve—in order—bumping the fist, tapping the heels, and unleashing some jazz hands.

Blackstone International Realty, LLC provides buyers, sellers, and renters with the access to exceptional properties – both on and off the market – in the Miami Beach luxury real estate market, and throughout South Florida. Each agent is thoroughly trained to provide clients with exceptional service, competency, and professionalism. For more information on the company or Continuum in South Beach call 305-588-2451.