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Get Tested in Miami Beach

If you’re concerned about COVID-19 and want to make sure you’re free of the virus, you may have thought about visiting one of the testing sites. However, most of these may be far from Miami Beach, they were/are relegated to those that show symptoms, or they may be open to those that are asymptomatic but require an appointment.

All of that is changing now.

There is now a COVID-19 test site open in the barrier island, at the Miami Beach Convention Center to be precise. It is a combination of drive-thru and walk-ups. Someone who is eighteen years of age or older can visit the site to be checked and, if supported by a parent or guardian, children can do so as well. Similar to the testing site in Miami that opened at Charles Hadley Park, patients are not necessarily expected to be screened for visible symptoms. However, unlike the test site in Miami, no appointments are needed.

The COVID-19 test site at Miami Beach is open daily from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Testing is limited to a maximum of five per car for those who are using the drive-thru and everyone in the car will need to have an ID and wear a face mask.

Blackstone International Realty, LLC provides buyers, sellers, and renters with the access to exceptional properties – both on and off the market – in the Miami Beach luxury real estate market, and throughout South Florida. Each agent is thoroughly trained to provide clients with exceptional service, competency, and professionalism. For more information on the company or Continuum in South Beach call 305-588-2451.