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Miami Beach May Say Goodbye to Sunscreen


Sunscreen is a requirement when going to the beach and yet some recent news suggests Miami Beach may be having second thoughts about allowing it.Octinoxate and oxybenzone are two chemicals that are found in leading sunscreen products by names like Banana Boat, intended to deflect the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. However, Miami Beach may become the fourth tourist-friendly city to prevent this type of sunblock due to the environmental harm these chemicals can do to its sensitive coral reefs.

Should the ban go into effect, Miami Beach would follow in the footsteps of another city well-known for its tourism: Key West. The state of Hawaii has also pledged to ban products containing these chemicals by 2021.As for Miami Beach, there is still no definitive timeframe as to when—and if—the ban will ultimately go into effect. Commissioners will be getting together with environmental experts to take a closer look at the scientific research and determine whether to implement the ban.

What do you think about Miami Beach possibly banning certain types of sunscreen? Is this a step in the right direction in making the barrier island a little greener? You can read more about the potential ban at the following link:

This update is presented by the Miami Beach real estate team representing Blackstone International Realty, specializing in the Continuum in South Beach. If you are interested in Miami Beach condos such as the Continuum condos for sale, call the Continuum experts at 305-588-2451 for information on sales and rentals.